Because of the harassment by
these moral men of God I created this website in memory of the gay boys of the
Good Shepherd in Albuquerque, New Mexico -the relentless bringers of God's word
and work.
See If You Can Find The Homosexual
Pedophile Priest reminds me greatly of the Good Shepherd because of our good
brother, Brother Steven. Brother Steven was a little man that clearly had
homosexual tendencies. He was a very friendly fellow who had many young men and
boys in his office of whom he loved to hug. (Well, that is all I got to see.)
But one day the news media -NPR News in Washington in the summer of 2002-
announced that in one given district of 326 priests 78 were being investigated
for homosexual pedophilia. Moreover, the State of New Mexico’s new pedophile
laws were going to be implemented to combat the assaults on children. The Good
Shepherd is situated just across the street from a playground. (How convenient.)
In a transitory period our good Brother Stephen disappeared without a trace. So
I added this game to the lists of memories of these pious men of God, and
Brother Stephen. Do you think the police are looking for Brother Steven? I
wonder? Good luck to you Brother Steven, and to all your children wherever you
may be.
This next animation The Gays Are Destroying the Church brings to mind Brother Alexander. Brother Alexander has the parlance of a drag queen in heat, and he so adynamic that he is oblivious to all the satire that the patrons remonstrate about him being queer as a three-dollar-bill and he also demonstrates pedophile tendencies and very well could be another one. But what comes to mind most is the fact that one day as I went to retrieve my mail there was a little homosexual man in the front office removing his clothes. I found this very queer and chastise the man for doing so. He became livid and vociferated that I was a prude. But what I’m getting at is: "Why didn’t Brother Alexander stop him?" Brother Alexander became wild-eyed and seemed to enjoy it. This is not proper behavior of a supposed man of God. This is the purpose of my illustrating the next animation. I've come to the cognizance that: "Gays don’t belong in the church!"
I've saved the best for last. One day
approximately 2.5 years ago I sojourned the Good Shepherd for a transitory
period. During that time I made a serendipitous discovery as I started to return
to the covered area outside the kitchen. What I noticed in the building on the
Iron Street side on the first floor was two men bobbing their heads up from a 69
position from what appeared to be a bed (I couldn’t see that low) and the only
thing that they had on which I thought was strange was black BVD’s. They were
red faced as to have just finished some very vigorous sexual activity as they
hurried to pull up their BVD’s and get their clothes on. This all happened in
the matter of seconds, and I felt very embarrassed to have witnessed such a
dirty deed done by our good brothers of the Good Shepherd. I don't think that I
was noticed by the two queer men. I told another patron about it at the time and
he busted up laughing and as he said that he didn’t doubt it. That ended my
sojourn at the Good Shepherd.
I've hypothesized
through empirical extrapolation that the Good Shepherd is a government funded
whorehouse for queers. One must consider that by supporting a cult such as this
through donations that the possibility of exploitation of the homeless, the
desperate, and maybe even underage children could very well be a sobering
reality and a terrible violation of the trust of it’s supporters. This is only
speculation, but it’s the best one I can come to by witnessing all that I have
being in propinquity of these pious men of God. How could any church group be so
demented, evil, and deceptive I’ll never be able to understand. There is no need
to go on any further you get the picture. These freaks of nature make me
On the day of 12/17/04 at 9:45 A.M. on
the corner of Central and Third I made a serendipitous discovery. I saw Brother
Alexander walking south on Third Street so I thought I would end all speculation
and controversy about some of the priest of the Good Shepherd being pedophiles.
As I passed Brother Alexander I directly asked him if he or his confederates
ever had sexual contact with children and to my amazement he nodded his head yes
with a big complacent smile. Well, I was in shock. But you know what? I believe
him because no one would admit to that if it weren’t true. It’s pretty sick.
There is an old saying and it goes like
this: “Queens that live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. You need to take
a good look at yourselves and what you’re doing before casting judgment on
others.” Please note that this is not a Catholic organization, but they are
probably just as bad.